Jelly Belly Milkshakes and Jellies

The brief tasked me with creating an exciting range of Jelly Belly milkshakes and Jellies while adhering to the guidelines of the Jelly Belly brand. Work included: designs, visuals, full pack layouts and mockups for the sales team.


“I have worked with Sandra for many years on numerous packaging design projects, for brands such as Weight Watchers, National Trust and Jelly Belly. She is professional, reliable, highly creative and a pleasure to work with. I know I can trust her to deliver a high standard of work and meet our, more often than not, tight deadlines. She has managed the entire creative process from the initial designs, photography shoots and retouching through to the more detailed work involved in back of pack legalities and consistency of designs across numerous packs. I can highly recommend her services.”

Mel Hoare,
Marketing and Licensing, Rivermill

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